People often think of Thanksgiving as being an occasion just for family and friends; a time Thanking employees is good for morale and good for businessto pause, reflect, and give gratitude for the things and people that enrich our lives.

But there are so many opportunities to recognize the contributions of others, especially co-workers, at any time of the year. Thanking employees is good for morale, and there are also many sound business reasons for letting employees know they are appreciated.

Remember the last time someone thanked you unexpectedly for doing a good job? Remember how that small moment of gratitude, sincerely expressed, made you feel? How it energized and deepened your relationship with that person? There is a connection between gratitude and performance.

At the most basic level, when people feel truly appreciated for their contributions, performance and results, their most human instincts compel them to want to repeat that moment of validation. Going forward, they want to give their best self to that relationship.

Nor is this a one-way relationship. Demonstrations of gratitude are energizing for the recipient, and fulfilling for the giver. When people give and receive grateful feedback, positive energy is created, a desire for excellence is unleashed, and a drive for higher performance levels is generated.

The chain of positive effects works whether the gratitude comes from the bottom up, top down, or side-to-side. Expressing gratitude spreads appreciation beyond an inner circle and reaches out to co-workers, teams, clients, and customers.

We don’t need a special holiday or momentous event – or we shouldn’t – to express gratitude to those who make a positive contribution to our lives. And thanking employees is less about what people do and more about appreciating the contribution they make to the organization. All it really takes is believing and understanding that people perform at higher levels when they feel appreciated.

To create a culture of gratitude, the role of a leader is paramount. The impact of a leader who takes a moment to acknowledge the roles of others in the collective effort can be extraordinary. When leaders express gratitude that is heartfelt and sincere, and not an impersonal platitude said as an obligation, the impact can be tremendous. The result is pride, a greater sense of purpose, and a closer connection to the leader or organization that shared it.

Whether you lead an organization, a department, or a team, this Thanksgiving take a moment to be grateful for who you are, what you stand for, the values you represent, and the people who make it all possible.

I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!